Sustaining Disabled people in crisis globally





“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh.

We serve and sustain Disabled people in crisis across the world through outreach, advocacy, practical advice, community, and regenerative restoration in harmony above balance.

Started in March 2022 by our Founder & Executive Director, Sulaiman R. Khan, after being frustrated seeing Disabled refugees in Ukraine and the struggles faced, as well as finding it unacceptable that Disabled people from Palestine to Ethiopia and the UK to New Zealand in crisis across the world. From war to natural disasters and accidents to human oppression, Disabled people are always ignored and erased in disaster planning and risk management. We (Disabled people) deserve and demand better.

As this is a new organization and we are in the process of building everything out, we are partnering with other Disabled people and accomplices to help us develop and amplify this organization. We know we may not always get things right, and we can’t do nothing any longer in the crisis’ Disabled people are facing, but our hearts and minds are ready for the challenge, and we will always centre Disabled people (and their needs) in everything we do. With infinite love, generosity, Interdependence, regeneration, imagination, grief, and joy: we will always aim to create dignity, care, safety, care, resource, connection, attention, community, and liberation for all Disabled people in crisis across the world.

Aunty Toni Morrison said it best: “I want to discourage you from choosing anything or making any decision simply because it is safe. Things of value seldom are.”

If you wish to find or more or want to get involved in building out this radical organization, contact us and care, if you dare: info[at]DisabilityCrisisSupport[dot]org